申加实业关于“Think Canada”全球投资峰会 中国推广的工作记录
微信公众号和微信群的推广 制作发布宣传文档 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/i1INPHnVrou32TdOowTNyA 发表招展文章 走进加拿大“特色城镇”,探寻投资之道!(2018-1-2) http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8dEGevhsMKBl60x4Po3_Qg...
微信公众号和微信群的推广 制作发布宣传文档 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/i1INPHnVrou32TdOowTNyA 发表招展文章 走进加拿大“特色城镇”,探寻投资之道!(2018-1-2) http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8dEGevhsMKBl60x4Po3_Qg...
Think Canada is proud to announce City of Abbotsford, Economic Development as a partner for the Think Canada 2018 Global Business Summit. City of Abbotsford, located in British Columbia, is a forward-thinking Canadian community and a prime location for progressive business owners. The economy has...
Think Canada brings on the Town of Caledon for the Think Canada 2018 Business Global Summit to provide valuable opportunities for incoming businesses to the Canadian market. The Town of Caledon has a unique blend of urban and rural communities. It is strategically located in the...
Think Canada is proud to announce that City of Guelph has become a community partner for the Think Canada 2018 Global Business Summit. The City of Guelph’s team will highlight itself as a competitive community in Canada to global businesses attending the summit. The City of...
Think Canada is proud to announce their partnership with RSM Canada for a venture prospect to International businesses looking to expand into the Canadian market. RSM’s purpose is to deliver the power of being understood to its clients, colleagues and communities through world-class audit, tax and...